Saturday, January 10, 2009

What santa brought me

One evening while reading magazines at the bookstore coffeeshop with my husband - I showed him an article about vintage sewing baskets and mentioned that my mother and aunt had one and wondered where it got to.

First of all I have a wonderful husband to sit and listen to my sewing basket story but even more remarkable is what santa brought me just a couple of weeks later!


Marilyn said...

That's really sweet and your sewing basket is LOVELY!

Abby and Stephanie said...

What a thoughtful husband and such a pretty basket.

Anonymous said...

That is so pretty!
I just gave you a blog award if you'd like to come pick it up!

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Lucky you! That sewing basket's a beauty!

I'm tickled you found me today. Edward and I welcome you at our place anytime! I am a quilter as well, we sleep every night under quilts that I've made...and that's such a great feeling, isn't it??

Anonymous said...

So sweet Lynn. Santa has very good taste. :-)