Friday, November 2, 2012

I'm finally a craftlete

Melanie is holding a Craft Olympics. It's a great way of pushing us to do something we might not otherwise try. My first completed project is this small table topper. I always wanted to try a spiderweb block and I finished this just in time for Halloween (even though I'm showing it a bit late). I enjoyed making these blocks, although my points aren't all matching, and I'm not sure why. I may need to try more of these, does anyone have any tips?.


Abby and Stephanie said...

One gold medal (or thimble) for you. Terrific project.

Annik-Snor said...

Very nice project

Amanda said...

With a casual block like this I don't think you need to worry too much about matching points, well, I certainly wouldn't.

Houseelf said...

Congratulations Lynn. I will put your name under the right thimble linking to this blog post.

Sometimes when the block can't be cut with the grain you get distortion when you iron? Perhaps that is what happened.