Sunday, June 8, 2008

Some help please, or the whole OC may end up going to the land of unwanted quilts - my daughter's dorm room

Uh-oh - I laid out my OC blocks and I really don't like them together. I mean look at these blocks next to each other. What was I thinking? Maybe 2 seperate quilts with the blocks, but the green/purple combination is too much for me. Any suggestions?


Amanda said...

I can't really help - I'm exactly in the same boat. The fabric looked good together before I cut it up into bits for the blocks! Now, heaven help us. I'm experimenting with sashing - a pale green - which seems to help, And there's no way I will make a full size quilt with these blocks. I've lost heart rather, and feel inclined at the moment to send the whole lot - as blocks - to the charity shop!

Katie said...

They seem to look better as a whole quilt. Have you lay the whole thing out yet? I love all your bright colors. Mine's a bit blah.

Ruthie said...

I wouldn't give up on it yet. Lay out all the blocks and see if you like it. I put your 2 blocks in photoshop and duplicated them and I really like the look.

Donna said...

Mine looks the same way. I am going to sew them together, put a border on it and use it as a picnic or outdoor quilt. I think I should have gone a little less scrappy.

Julie said...

I have to vote with the group that's saying to continue on - I think so many of them look great once they are together - and the colors coordinate much better than you think they will..keep going...we're anxious to see the result - you might be pleasantly surprised!
Julie in Oregon

Amanda Jean said...

white sashing? that's my solution to all quilt dilemmas, though. it may mess with the original design but it would give your eye a break at least.

Nancy said...

OH I love them together. I wasn't sure about mine either, but once I laid it all out, it really went together.

julieQ said...

You know, I didn't especially like mine together until I actually sewed them together and watched the secondary patterns form. I think yours are lovely!

Quilter Kathy said...

I think it's really funky! Maybe you would like it better with sashing to separate the blocks more?