Tuesday, May 27, 2008

more strawberries

I haven't had time for much sewing lately. I have finished OC step 4 and am ready to start cutting out step 5. I made 1 batch of jam and am going to start my second batch this afternoon. Maybe the kids will help me when they get home from school. No not really, they tend to disappear when the jars and strawberries come out. I have also been busy with school stuff for DD#1 who is graduating. I helped out with a terrific picnic for the seniors. My task was putting 900 hot dogs in buns, so now I'm cured of ever wanting to eat a hot dog again. It was a fun day though. DH is responding to the gas prices by riding his bike to work. He likes to eat a bowl of cereal when he gets there and put this on the back of his bike. I am proud of him for doing his part, but I was secretly hoping nobody who knows us sees him. I took this picture while driving to the farmers market to get more berries. I think they are lupines - very striking in person.

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