Monday, February 17, 2014

It's here!

This is my favorite chair. I love this chair. It was my mothers and I've loved it ever since I was little. I had it reupholstered a few years ago  and it became even more comfortable if possible. Tonight I'll be sitting in it reading my new book!


Amanda said...

The quilt looks lovely on your chair, perfect colours. I've not heard of the book before, will you blog about it?

Judy S. said...

Your chair looks comfy, especially with that pretty quilt on it. Corduroy quilts, that's a new one on me!

Abby and Stephanie said...

A comfy chair, a cozy quilt, and hopefully a good read. Enjoy!!!

KaHolly said...

It's a beautiful chair, Lynn!! And I love your choice of reading material! I've got mine handy, too. Now to decide what to make from it!