Monday, October 15, 2012

Swim, Bike, Quilt
I've been trying to reduce my pile of scraps. When I finish a quilt, especially a kid's quilt, I take the scraps from it and put it all in one zip-lock bag. That way when it's time for next year's 100 Quilts For Kids I'll be ready. All of the fabric for this came from one quilt I made last year.
I have enough scraps for a third quilt with these scraps, but it will be a lot more background on the next.
Both of these quilts are going to Margaret's Hope Chest And speaking of Margaret's Hope Chest there was recently a post on how to help, one of the ways was sending some orphan blocks or unquilted tops. I have some lonely blocks that have been making me feel guilty for some time. I just might send them off too and get them off my conscience.


Houseelf said...

Great idea to send those little guilt trippers off. Lovely job you made of those charity quilts. I have bags of sets like that. I also have a bag of left over binding bits. It's useful when making small items.

Katie said...

You have some great scraps! :-)

Nanette Merrill said...

Love scrap quilts. Now wonderful for you to do this.

Carrie P. said...

great quilts. I have done that before, send a top or blocks to a charity. It feels good knowing that someone can use them.

KaHolly said...

These are great!! Someone is going to be warm and cozy!