Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My sewing room

Moda Bakeshop http://www.modabakeshop.coml put out a call for people to show off their stash and share their sewing spaces. I've really enjoyed peeking in everyone who's linked up sewing rooms. I thought I'd share mine.
I love these metal baskets I found a few years ago at Target. I'm good at pulling stuff out, but not necessarily as good at folding it back neatly. The baskets hide much of that.
I love my cutting table. It was a freebie, plus it blocks that door, there are two ways into the room. My kids thought it was funny to come in that way and sneak up on me and scare me, blocking the door fixed that.
This is my favorite spot, it was stormy and dark when I took this picture, so you can't see that it's ground level, there are always birds chirping around there. My husband spent several weeks this summer putting in new drainage and then a garden bed. I have this vision of rose bushes to enjoy while I sew. Thanks for visiting!!


Abby and Stephanie said...

I love a sewing room with a view! You'll be smelling the heavenly scent of roses too. It's fun taking a peek inside where crafters play.

Katie said...

Lovely. Isn't it nice to have our own spaces! :-)

Amanda said...

It's fun to get a picture of how a friend organises her seeing space. I have a good view too, when the washing's not hanging there!

Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

Hi Lynn...I love your shelf...so neat and organized...and a gorgeous colour!

Houseelf said...

What an incredibly tidy craft room! Thanks for sharing. Mine is horribly messy at the moment where I have things to finish but ideas keep fluttering like butterflies in my head so I audition fabrics.