I'm working on a bunch of different things right now.
I finished up some more hst's for Margaret's Hope Chest www.margaretshopechest.blogspot.com
Karen at KaHolly www.kaholly.blogspot.com had a request a couple of weeks ago for baby blankets (January 31st post). I spent a long time going through my kiddie fabrics and scraps and have made a few small quilt tops. All pretty simple, but with some cute fabrics. I thought I would assembly line these. All the tops this week, and then basting and quilting them all, then binding.
I'm caught up on my Blogger's Bom. I may need to redo that last block, hmmm. And darn, I see a mistake (no, 2 of them) on block #1.
I spent a couple of days cutting up 2 Charm packs for more dresden plates! These are habit forming.
Lastly, I'm spending lots of time with Molly. She has lots and lots of happy dog energy!
Abby would love Molly. :o) I agree that dresdens are addictive. I've never seen one I didn't like. Very sweet little quilts.
Hi Lynn, your small quilts are coming out great!! I can hardly wait until I've collected them all and can turn them over. Thanks so much for the mention. I had a random quilter e-mail me today to say she had 3 ready to go, where does she send them!! I was blown away. Dresden plates are lots of fun to make. I get on kicks every once in awhile. I've even made tiny ones and made little pincushions out of them kaholly
(That link for kaholly is my dresden plate pincushion post)(I hope):)
You are busy, Lynn!
I don't see the mistakes on your BOM. They look lovely to me:)
Love those rubber duckies! :-)
that one Blogger BOm was a challenge for me too. I had to rip out several times. Not sure why I had so many problems. Love the fabrics you are using.
What a sweetie Molly is. You are just so creative, Lynn!
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