Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Odds and Ends

A couple of months ago Nanette www.fredashive.blogspot.com showed some calendar tea towels she purchased from Spoonflower www.spoonflower.com . Spoonflower is a local company that I love and when I saw Nanette's tea towels, I borrowed her idea. I'm really happy with these, I think I may need to do this every year, and who knows, maybe I'll even design my own one day

I've been busy making some hst's for Margaret's Hope Chest www.margaretshopechest.com
I used a new to me method for this and I love it. Jennifer shared it on her fantastic blog www.thatgirlthatquilt.com . (November 15, 2011 It's so simple just sew 2 squares together the same size, 1/4 inch all the way around and then cut on the diagonal in half, twice. There may be a lot more pinwheel quilts in my future!

It's been a very warm winter here, so much so in fact some of my summer flowers are still blooming. We've only had a couple of frosts and when we did I brought the flowers I had in pots in the garage. They are still going strong!

The weather has been so warm that my daffodils are confused

I won a really neat giveaway from my of my long time blog friends, Amanda www.scrandasmusings.blogspot.com , a gift certificate from The Quilt Show. www.thequiltshow.com . I'm really excited about this. I can't wait to watch the videos, I know I'll get a lot of instruction and inspiration, thanks so much Amanda!

I won a giveaway from Jennifer who lives not too far away.

She also sent this darling plaque, which I'm going to hang in my sewing room of course!

Thank you Jennifer!


Katie said...

Ooooo. A winner! Can I touch you? LOL

Carrie P. said...

I saw those calendars on Nanettes blog. They are so great.
Yes, it has been a very mild winter for our area.
Congrats on all your wins. fun stuff.

Unknown said...

I am glad your goodies made it to you. Thank you Lynn!!

Nanette Merrill said...

I'm with you. We should design our own. Cute stuff here. Love the flowers. They brighten this cold day.

KaHolly said...

Lynn, I appreciate the introduction to Margaret's Hope Chest. How simple to help!! I'm at that stage in my life where I have a need to 'give back', if you know what I mean. I am going to send some HST's their way with a note that thanks you for the inspiration. Congratulations on your fabulous wins!! Everyone likes to be a winner.~karen