Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day. My mother: Cecelia - she disliked being called Sis (although everyone did. She weighed 98 pounds when she got married and was proud of the fact until she was in her early 70's she never went above 105. She never let anyone take a picture of her with her glasses on. She was married 7 years before my sister and I were sent her way - she really really wanted children. I remember countless hours of her sitting on the floor with me playing games and she let me cheat at scrabble. She would always give me a little money - even when I didn't want it from her - she would say 'just for you' and I would sneak it back into her purse when I grew up. One day she caught me - she was 75 and boy was she mad. She carried this little coin purse that embarrassed me tremendously growing up and now I think that's stupid - so I carry it and it makes me feel happy, and embarrassed at the way I acted about that. She passed away on Mother's Day 3 years ago. So I'll plant some flowers and think of my mother.


Deb said...

Lyn, What special and treasured memories of your Mum you have.
I hope you have had a lovely mothers day.

Abby and Stephanie said...

Such sweet memories. Happy Mother's Day to you!

Marilyn said...

Oh, Lynn, what a sweet remembrance of your mother and beautiful photos too:-) I hope your day of planting flowers was wonderful!

Wendy said...

What a sweet story to remember your Mom. I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for stopping by and it's ok to make jam via Farmer's Market.. let me know if you want company, I'll head over with you.

Lilly is the sweetest baby and has the most kissable toes.

Grazia said...

A sweet story for a great Mum!
Ciao Lynn!
Grazia :)

Nanette Merrill said...

You know lynn, I think only special people get to pass away on their special days. My mom passed away on my parents wedding anniversary after she had been to the store and had her hair done. My dad gave her a card and a little cake and flower at lunch and they celebrated in their own little way. They sat down to watch sports. She loved sports. And she passed away during the game sitting in her favorite chair. My dad died on his birthday. He wasn't sick very long - only 5 months. And he was able to slip away after everyone said Happy Birthday to him and he had family around him. So I think your dear mother was also a blessed one to pass on Mother's Day. This way the day has very special meaning to you - even more so. Lovely little story of your mom. Very Sweet. Thanks for sharing it.

Anonymous said...

What a graceful mother Lynn. It must be such a treasured feeling to hold her coin purse and know how much love coins were given to you from it. She sounds like a real lady who adored being a mother.